Professional Casino Gambler

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  • May 26, 2017 CoolCat Casino Online Gambling Tips Professional Online Gambler: the New 9-5. As you enter the world of online casinos, learn the top 10 things every casino newbie should know, and get to know some of your fellow gambling cohorts, you are bound to come across a few aspiring professionals.
  • Professional Gambler Status until recently has been rarely seen on federal income tax returns, because frankly there were very few people who earned their living traveling from casino to casino. But with the onsurge of online gaming, the number of IRS filed tax returns showing Professional Gambler Status is expected to increase dramatically.
  • Professional gamblers would normally not be allowed to file for unemployment insurance benefits in Nevada, but circumstances have changed amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Casino floor operators can.

You CANNOT be a professional gambler at a game of chance (with one exception). This means, if the casino has a statistical advantage in a game, there is no way that you can ever beat that game in the long run. No matter what 'system' you think you have, you are not Houdini, and you cannot defy math.

So, you're looking for a career change? If you're wondering what it takes or if you have what it takes to become a professional gambler, you're in the right spot. Before I get started, though, I want to be clear on what you should NOT expect from this post. Do not expect me to give you a sugarcoated, rainbows-and-unicorns look at what it takes to become a professional gambler. Instead, I'm going to give you a gritty and in your face breakdown that does include some harsh realities.

Professional casino gambler bar

Why am I opting for the more intense approach? I'm doing this because I assume a lot of you that are here are seriously considering what to do with your time or your future. I think it would be a gross disservice not to give you the raw information. If you only get the good side of something, you can't ever be prepared for the realities that come along with it.

Why should you listen to me? Well, without going into too much detail, I was a professional poker player for 12+ years. It wasn't just something that I did on the side of my real job; it was my job. Poker was my sole source of income. Because of that and the time I spent in casinos, I was able to meet a lot of people that made their money from the gambling industry (not just poker). Today, I want to share some of that insight with you, hopefully give you the information you need to decide if this is the road for you, and then tell you how to get there.

Skill Games versus Games of Chance

If you take nothing else from this article, please take the information I am about to give you. You CANNOT be a professional gambler at a game of chance (with one exception). This means, if the casino has a statistical advantage in a game, there is no way that you can ever beat that game in the long run. No matter what 'system' you think you have, you are not Houdini, and you cannot defy math.

Many people have tried, and all of them have failed miserably. I've personally met people that claimed to play games like craps or roulette for a living thanks to their systems. Here's a spoiler. They were all poor and broke. I asked them why they weren't rolling in the dough (yes, I am forward), and they informed me that they were just on a bad run. Ummm, hello!!! That is what gambling is. You can potentially win in the short run, but in the long run, the house is always going to come out on top.

The only way you can beat the casino in a game of chance, in the long run, is by cheating, or by doing something that will get you kicked out and banned from the casino.

What is the one exception I mentioned? Blackjack. Blackjack will have tournaments that you can enter that allow you to do those things that would get you kicked out of the casino on a normal day. They let you count cards, and that allows you to gain a statistical edge over the house and your opponents. The only reason they allow this is that you aren't playing against the casino. You have paid an entry fee to compete in the tournament, and all you can win is the entry fees from other players. This scene was pretty big and growing for a while but in recent years has leveled off in popularity and prize pool sizes.

Skill games, on the other hand, are games where the better players will win in the long run. How can you spot a skill game? If you are not competing against the house but against other players and patrons, you are most likely playing a game of skill. If you are competing against the house, with the exception of sports betting, you are playing a game of chance. If you truly understand sports betting, you'll see that you're actually competing against other patrons as well even though your bet is with the house. That's a discussion we can save for another day, though.

So, what does this mean? This means that step one in the process of becoming a professional gambler is to choose a game of skill. Make sure you are playing a game where it is possible for you to make a long-term and sustained living. To help you out, I'm going to list off a few of the popular games you could choose from that people do make a living at.

The Gambling Games You Should Choose From

As a quick note, while most of the world will refer to these games as gambling, they really aren't gambling at all. Gambling is when you make a wager on a game of chance. Since you are in control of the outcome of these games, they are no longer games of chance. Therefore, they aren't gambling. Yes, some of these games will have a luck factor involved, but in the long run, skill is going to prevail over the variance caused by that luck factor.


I figured I would lead off with the exception to 'get it out of the way.' If you're looking to make a living at Blackjack, the only way that you're going to pull that off is by getting involved in the tournament scene. The problem, though, is that the scene is shrinking and the people that are currently in it are very good at what they do.


If you're considering becoming a professional blackjack player by counting cards, good luck. I am definitely advising you against it.

The casinos know every trick in the book, and you're just going to end up getting caught and banned from every property on the planet. My best advice is to pick a different game on this list if you are looking to play for a living.


One of the best options on this list of games to play professionally is poker. Am I a little biased because it's what I did? Probably. However, if you take an objective look at all of the facts, it is the clear winner. It's a game where there is a lot of money to win, several different formats you can try, and a constant influx of new and bad players to win money from.

Out of everything on this list, I would say that it's the easiest to get to a professional level. No, I am not saying that it is easy, but I am saying it is feasible for you to do. There are a lot of varying levels of success that you can hit as well so it's not a make it or break it kind of game. If you're serious about getting into a 'gambling' profession, this may be a great place for you to look if you want something that has some longevity to it.

Chess, Backgammon, Tonk, and Spades

Believe it or not, a lot of the games that you may have played as a kid or teenager are games that you can play professionally for a living. Now, at first you might not have thought to include these in the same category as games like poker and Blackjack, but in reality, they fit. Again, these are games of skill with lots of options for playing for a living.

Years ago, your only option for these games was to find a major tournament at a brick-and-mortar location and play against the best in the world. Today, though, you can find these games offered online at casinos. You have the option of playing against thousands of players of all skill levels from around the world for real money. The best part is that the stakes start low so you can work your way up the game ladder, and you don't have to pony up a ton of money to get started.

Sports Betting

I mentioned earlier that when you're betting against the house, you can't sustain a long-term profit. The only exception to that is sports betting because even though you are betting against the house, you are really betting against other patrons. The house does their best to get even bets on both sides of a game so that no matter who wins or loses they make a profit. This means that the line shifts will happen because of what the rest of the betting public does.


You're ideally looking for value opportunities of bad lines thanks to the ignorance of the betting public.

I could go deeper into that, but we'd end up in a full-on discussion of how sports betting works, and I'd like to try my best to stay on topic today. Sports betting is a form of 'gambling' that is certainly beatable. It's probably one of the more challenging forms of gambling to do for a living and requires a strong heart that can take a lot of pressure and anxiety.

I do know some friends that do it for a living and have done quite nicely at it, but it comes at the expense of their sanity. That being said, it is beatable in the long term which means that it is a form of 'gambling' that you could do for a living.


Wait, you can play video games professionally? Welcome to 2018! If you're a rock star at a video game, chances are that you can play that game professionally. Tournaments are exploding all over the world with millions of dollars in prize money available for those individuals and teams that win. On top of that, there are millions of dollars in sponsorships available for these teams from the game creators and other companies interested in having an influence in the industry.

Your Next Steps to Become a Professional Gambler

Alright, so you've picked out which form of 'gambling' you want to go professional at. Now what? To help you on your quest, I've outlined some actionable steps for you to take to get started. Remember this, though. None of this is going to be easy and most people that try end up failing. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and the ability to deal with some failures to make it as a professional gambler. Even after all of that, some people just don't have the skill set to make it happen.

I don't say any of that to deter you from trying, though. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do anything. If you work hard enough and smart enough, you can achieve anything you want to. I will climb off my motivational speaker soapbox now and get to those steps.

1. Research Like a Crazy Person

The first thing that you need to do is learn absolutely everything you can about playing your game for a living. Look up other professionals, how they make money, and any other information you can on the topic. Try and identify if there is a smooth road to the top or if it's something that requires a leap of faith (avoid these situations).

What you're really trying to do here is a get an idea of what it's going to take for your game specifically to make it to the top. You're also trying to identify whether or not there is enough opportunity for you to make a living playing that game feasibly.

2. Formulate a Plan of Attack

The next step is to take all of your research and come up with a plan for you to go from schmo to pro. Make sure that your plan is detailed and gives you actionable steps that you can take to achieve your goal. This should mainly be based around how you're going to learn the game, how you're going to master it, how you're going to test your skills without risking an arm and a leg, and ultimately how you're going to turn it from a hobby into a career.

Your plan also needs to have some contingencies built in for the times that things don't go according to plan. If you think that everything is going to go according to plan, you have another thing coming. Be realistic and make a plan that you can stick to.

3. Understand the Risks

You HAVE to understand that what you are attempting to do here is not easy. If it were easy, everyone and their brother would be a professional gambler. The risks are real, and when you lose money, you don't just get it back with a do-over. There is no reset button on a lot of this.

The good news is that the nature of the industry now allows you to start these games for very low stakes and minimal risk. Take advantage of this. Online casinos don't have to pay additional dealers or setup costs to facilitate more games which means they can offer things at super low stakes.


Make Sure That You Have an Exit Strategy or a Stop Loss in Place.

Don't let yourself get out of hand chasing your dream. Yes, you shouldn't let anything stand in your way, but losing all your money trying to achieve this dream is not noble. It's stupid and the sign of someone who would never survive gambling professionally.

4. Start Learning

The only way that you're going to make it to the pro level with any of these games is by immersing yourself completely in the learning process. You have to soak up every bit of information out there and ultimately know more than your opponents.

Here's the most important part, though. Make sure that the information you are learning is good information. I feel like my track record affords me the right to speak as a voice of reason on poker and I can confidently tell you that most poker knowledge out there that people pass off as pro knowledge is garbage. Make sure that you're learning from a reputable source and that the information is current and quality. This might mean you have to pay for some of it. Do your research (Step 1).

5. Start Small and Continually Adapt

Take. Your. Time. This is not something that is going to happen overnight. This is not something that is going to happen in a few weeks. It very well could take years for you to be able to reach the skill level necessary even to take a shot at playing professionally for a living. Even if you're good enough, you still might not make it. You might not have access to the right opportunities, or you may have issues getting your mental game or bankroll management in line.


Again, none of this is to deter you from giving it a shot. It's just a warning to take your time.

The learning process is going to be long and challenging and probably frustrating at times.

The Wrap Up

If you've made it this far in the post, you've got hope! Look, I seriously am not trying to deter any of you from giving this a shot. I loved my years playing as a professional and wouldn't trade them for anything. That being said, I wish I would have known how challenging things would be before I jumped in. Would it have deterred me? Probably not, but a heads up would have been pleasant.

If you're serious about doing this, I wish you the best of luck and hope you follow some of the advice that I gave you. Good luck!

Professional Casino Gambler Slots

So, what exactly is a professional gambler?

A professional gambler is a person who lives from gambling and spends most of his time at the casinos. Professional gamblers are actually earning their paychecks by making the right bets when they play at the live casino tables.

In this article, I will go over some general misconceptions about casino gaming as well as go over a few real-world examples, gathered from several friends of mine who are professional Advantage Players. We won't give out real names or when these 'adventures' occurred, but rest assured this is about as truthful as an accounting of what real-world play is like.

The gambler lifestyle has been portrayed by Hollywood, and more so, by commercials for casinos, to be a glamorous one. Men are always dressed sharply and women are in their best gowns and, both seem to be having a wonderful time. They are winning money, eating at 5-star restaurants and drinking the best champagne.

This is all done to entice the average person to come to the casinos and gamble, but more importantly to lose the maximum amount of money they can. The reality of the casino gaming world is very different.

What Makes a Pro

The term 'professional gambler' is sometimes used interchangeably for both people who earn part-time and full-time income through gambling.

But I keep a much tighter definition of a professional gambler.

Real pros not only make a profit through gambling, but enough to pay all of their living expenses. This includes housing, utilities, car payment, insurance, food, clothing and anything else deemed necessary.

A semi-pro is somebody who makes enough to supplement their income but doesn't earn a full-time living through gambling.

Sometimes when players don't have good results they question their skills. The reality is Advantage Gaming is a gloomy business when you're on a losing streak.

But, when you are on the positive side of the spectrum it's like taking candy from a jar labeled 'free candy'. The hard truth is that the mentality of a professional casino player is equal to a manic depressive.

The gambling world doesn't offer an abundance of opportunities to make a living, but there are a few different games where you can earn some nice profits. If you play smart and stick to the plan.

Game On

Let's take a brief look at the most common games that you can make long term profits with and I'll then go into each with more detail:

  • Blackjack
  • Daily fantasy sports (DFS)
  • Poker
  • Sports betting

Blackjack sees you try to win money directly from the house.

Casinos do everything in their power to hinder successful card counters. This includes using continuously shuffling machines, multi-deck shoes, and vigilant security measures.

Anybody who's caught counting cards is often kicked out of the casino and banned. 3 card poker game. This is why it's so important for card counters to blend in with normal players.

DFS and poker both see you compete against your fellow man. The house merely takes a small cut of tournament fees or cash game pots for poker.

Sportsbooks create lines in an effort to get equal betting action on both sides. The sportsbooks make their money by taking 10% juice from the losing group.

Every form of advantage betting has its pros and cons, but the key is that each of these activities offers the chance to make a healthy income.

Counting on It

Casino Gambler Magazine

People have been making a living through card counting since the early 1960s, and despite all the obstacles that casinos have put in players' way, it remains possible to earn a living with card counting today.

You need a sizable bankroll in order to properly spread your bets and survive variance. The recommended minimum you should aim for is $20,000, but it's better to have closer to $40,000.

How much you make depends upon several factors, including the following:

  • Skill level – Successful counters have between a 0.5% and 1.5% edge on casinos.
  • Hands per hour – 50 to 200 depending upon dealer speed & table size.
  • Bet spreading – Difference between your lowest and highest bet.
  • Deck penetration – The further into the shoe you get, the more confidence you can bet with.
  • Counting system – Some systems are more accurate than others.
  • Game rules – You want the best rules possible in order to lower the standard house edge.
  • Tips – $5 per hour for the dealer is standard.

The final step is to figure out how many hours you'll play and convert this into an annual salary.

The key is keeping an accurate count amidst casino distractions and blending in with normal players.


DFS is the newest game that offers skilled gamblers an opportunity to make money.

Daily fantasy sees you pay an entry fee to enter contests and compete against other players. The goal is to create lineups that score the most points and rank the highest in tournaments.

Daily fantasy sports experienced a big boom in 2015, thanks to clever marketing campaigns that make it seem like any sports fan can win.

The truth, though, is that only a small percentage of those who play actually win. A study from 2015 showed that 1.3% of daily fantasy baseball players collect 91% of the winnings.

Saahil Sud, profiled in a WBUR piece, said he made over $3 million in profits in a single year. Former poker-pro Aaron Jones switched over to DFS and won a DraftKings contest worth $5 million in early 2016.

Of course, the average professional DFS player doesn't earn quite this much. To determine a standard DFS salary, let's consider the following factors:

  • Entries per day— Most DFS pros enter several hundred contests every day.
  • Stakes – Typical entry fees range anywhere from $1 up to $1,000.
  • Fees— DFS sites tack on a 10% fee to each buy-in, which is where their profits come from.
  • Skill level— Some pros have a bigger edge than others.

Of course, DFS is filled with variables, which is why it's key to have a large enough bankroll to survive the ups and downs.


Poker has long been one of the most viable options for becoming a professional gambler. The reason why is because you're competing against other opponents instead of the house.

It's tougher to make a living in poker these days because the strategy is more prevalent. Real money online poker gives players a chance to rapidly accelerate their learning curve by seeing more hands per hour.

You can still become a profitable player with enough hard work and experience though. In fact, some pros still make six or seven-figure annual incomes with the game.

However, the vast majority of pros these days earn between $40,000 and $100,000 per year.

Poker is unique in that there are essentially two types of professionals: tournament and cash game pros.

Professional Casino Gambler No Deposit

Let's look at the different considerations for cash vs. Bovada gambling reviews. tournament play:

Cash Games

Professional Casino Gambler Poker

  • Profit measured in big blinds (BB) made per hour.
  • House takes 5% rake from cash game pots for running games.
  • More control over annual salary than tournaments.


  • Profit measured by rate of return (ROI) on buy-ins.
  • House adds 10% fee to buy ins (e.g. $10 + $1 fee).
  • Only the top 10-15% of the field makes money.
  • Tournaments have more variance than cash games.

A cash player must figure out what stakes they must play to make a comfortable living based on BB earned per hour.

A tournament pro must decide what buy-in level they must choose to make a high enough ROI to live comfortably.

One more consideration here is whether you'll dedicate the bulk of your time towards live or online poker.

Online cash games and tourneys offer more volume because you can play multiple tables. Plus hands and tournaments go much faster, giving you an opportunity to boost your hourly wages.

Nevertheless, many players find that their win rate is higher in live games. The most lucrative tournaments are found in land-based casinos, too, such as the World Series of Poker events.

Sports Betting

The good thing about sports betting is that you don't need to have a massive win rate just to book profits.

Sportsbooks only take 10% juice from the losing side. This differs from DFS and poker tournaments where you must pay an extra 10% fee regardless of whether you're a winner or loser.

The juice can be lowered or adjusted based on where the sportsbook is trying to push action, but 10% is generally the amount you'll see taken from the losing side.

Professional sports bettors typically win anywhere from 53% to 55% of the time.

Pro sports bettors must be very keen at handling their bankroll since they're dealing with such small profit margins. They also need to make larger wagers than 'Gary the CPA from Ohio' to increase potential profits.

Professional Casino Gamblers


Why am I opting for the more intense approach? I'm doing this because I assume a lot of you that are here are seriously considering what to do with your time or your future. I think it would be a gross disservice not to give you the raw information. If you only get the good side of something, you can't ever be prepared for the realities that come along with it.

Why should you listen to me? Well, without going into too much detail, I was a professional poker player for 12+ years. It wasn't just something that I did on the side of my real job; it was my job. Poker was my sole source of income. Because of that and the time I spent in casinos, I was able to meet a lot of people that made their money from the gambling industry (not just poker). Today, I want to share some of that insight with you, hopefully give you the information you need to decide if this is the road for you, and then tell you how to get there.

Skill Games versus Games of Chance

If you take nothing else from this article, please take the information I am about to give you. You CANNOT be a professional gambler at a game of chance (with one exception). This means, if the casino has a statistical advantage in a game, there is no way that you can ever beat that game in the long run. No matter what 'system' you think you have, you are not Houdini, and you cannot defy math.

Many people have tried, and all of them have failed miserably. I've personally met people that claimed to play games like craps or roulette for a living thanks to their systems. Here's a spoiler. They were all poor and broke. I asked them why they weren't rolling in the dough (yes, I am forward), and they informed me that they were just on a bad run. Ummm, hello!!! That is what gambling is. You can potentially win in the short run, but in the long run, the house is always going to come out on top.

The only way you can beat the casino in a game of chance, in the long run, is by cheating, or by doing something that will get you kicked out and banned from the casino.

What is the one exception I mentioned? Blackjack. Blackjack will have tournaments that you can enter that allow you to do those things that would get you kicked out of the casino on a normal day. They let you count cards, and that allows you to gain a statistical edge over the house and your opponents. The only reason they allow this is that you aren't playing against the casino. You have paid an entry fee to compete in the tournament, and all you can win is the entry fees from other players. This scene was pretty big and growing for a while but in recent years has leveled off in popularity and prize pool sizes.

Skill games, on the other hand, are games where the better players will win in the long run. How can you spot a skill game? If you are not competing against the house but against other players and patrons, you are most likely playing a game of skill. If you are competing against the house, with the exception of sports betting, you are playing a game of chance. If you truly understand sports betting, you'll see that you're actually competing against other patrons as well even though your bet is with the house. That's a discussion we can save for another day, though.

So, what does this mean? This means that step one in the process of becoming a professional gambler is to choose a game of skill. Make sure you are playing a game where it is possible for you to make a long-term and sustained living. To help you out, I'm going to list off a few of the popular games you could choose from that people do make a living at.

The Gambling Games You Should Choose From

As a quick note, while most of the world will refer to these games as gambling, they really aren't gambling at all. Gambling is when you make a wager on a game of chance. Since you are in control of the outcome of these games, they are no longer games of chance. Therefore, they aren't gambling. Yes, some of these games will have a luck factor involved, but in the long run, skill is going to prevail over the variance caused by that luck factor.


I figured I would lead off with the exception to 'get it out of the way.' If you're looking to make a living at Blackjack, the only way that you're going to pull that off is by getting involved in the tournament scene. The problem, though, is that the scene is shrinking and the people that are currently in it are very good at what they do.


If you're considering becoming a professional blackjack player by counting cards, good luck. I am definitely advising you against it.

The casinos know every trick in the book, and you're just going to end up getting caught and banned from every property on the planet. My best advice is to pick a different game on this list if you are looking to play for a living.


One of the best options on this list of games to play professionally is poker. Am I a little biased because it's what I did? Probably. However, if you take an objective look at all of the facts, it is the clear winner. It's a game where there is a lot of money to win, several different formats you can try, and a constant influx of new and bad players to win money from.

Out of everything on this list, I would say that it's the easiest to get to a professional level. No, I am not saying that it is easy, but I am saying it is feasible for you to do. There are a lot of varying levels of success that you can hit as well so it's not a make it or break it kind of game. If you're serious about getting into a 'gambling' profession, this may be a great place for you to look if you want something that has some longevity to it.

Chess, Backgammon, Tonk, and Spades

Believe it or not, a lot of the games that you may have played as a kid or teenager are games that you can play professionally for a living. Now, at first you might not have thought to include these in the same category as games like poker and Blackjack, but in reality, they fit. Again, these are games of skill with lots of options for playing for a living.

Years ago, your only option for these games was to find a major tournament at a brick-and-mortar location and play against the best in the world. Today, though, you can find these games offered online at casinos. You have the option of playing against thousands of players of all skill levels from around the world for real money. The best part is that the stakes start low so you can work your way up the game ladder, and you don't have to pony up a ton of money to get started.

Sports Betting

I mentioned earlier that when you're betting against the house, you can't sustain a long-term profit. The only exception to that is sports betting because even though you are betting against the house, you are really betting against other patrons. The house does their best to get even bets on both sides of a game so that no matter who wins or loses they make a profit. This means that the line shifts will happen because of what the rest of the betting public does.


You're ideally looking for value opportunities of bad lines thanks to the ignorance of the betting public.

I could go deeper into that, but we'd end up in a full-on discussion of how sports betting works, and I'd like to try my best to stay on topic today. Sports betting is a form of 'gambling' that is certainly beatable. It's probably one of the more challenging forms of gambling to do for a living and requires a strong heart that can take a lot of pressure and anxiety.

I do know some friends that do it for a living and have done quite nicely at it, but it comes at the expense of their sanity. That being said, it is beatable in the long term which means that it is a form of 'gambling' that you could do for a living.


Wait, you can play video games professionally? Welcome to 2018! If you're a rock star at a video game, chances are that you can play that game professionally. Tournaments are exploding all over the world with millions of dollars in prize money available for those individuals and teams that win. On top of that, there are millions of dollars in sponsorships available for these teams from the game creators and other companies interested in having an influence in the industry.

Your Next Steps to Become a Professional Gambler

Alright, so you've picked out which form of 'gambling' you want to go professional at. Now what? To help you on your quest, I've outlined some actionable steps for you to take to get started. Remember this, though. None of this is going to be easy and most people that try end up failing. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and the ability to deal with some failures to make it as a professional gambler. Even after all of that, some people just don't have the skill set to make it happen.

I don't say any of that to deter you from trying, though. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do anything. If you work hard enough and smart enough, you can achieve anything you want to. I will climb off my motivational speaker soapbox now and get to those steps.

1. Research Like a Crazy Person

The first thing that you need to do is learn absolutely everything you can about playing your game for a living. Look up other professionals, how they make money, and any other information you can on the topic. Try and identify if there is a smooth road to the top or if it's something that requires a leap of faith (avoid these situations).

What you're really trying to do here is a get an idea of what it's going to take for your game specifically to make it to the top. You're also trying to identify whether or not there is enough opportunity for you to make a living playing that game feasibly.

2. Formulate a Plan of Attack

The next step is to take all of your research and come up with a plan for you to go from schmo to pro. Make sure that your plan is detailed and gives you actionable steps that you can take to achieve your goal. This should mainly be based around how you're going to learn the game, how you're going to master it, how you're going to test your skills without risking an arm and a leg, and ultimately how you're going to turn it from a hobby into a career.

Your plan also needs to have some contingencies built in for the times that things don't go according to plan. If you think that everything is going to go according to plan, you have another thing coming. Be realistic and make a plan that you can stick to.

3. Understand the Risks

You HAVE to understand that what you are attempting to do here is not easy. If it were easy, everyone and their brother would be a professional gambler. The risks are real, and when you lose money, you don't just get it back with a do-over. There is no reset button on a lot of this.

The good news is that the nature of the industry now allows you to start these games for very low stakes and minimal risk. Take advantage of this. Online casinos don't have to pay additional dealers or setup costs to facilitate more games which means they can offer things at super low stakes.


Make Sure That You Have an Exit Strategy or a Stop Loss in Place.

Don't let yourself get out of hand chasing your dream. Yes, you shouldn't let anything stand in your way, but losing all your money trying to achieve this dream is not noble. It's stupid and the sign of someone who would never survive gambling professionally.

4. Start Learning

The only way that you're going to make it to the pro level with any of these games is by immersing yourself completely in the learning process. You have to soak up every bit of information out there and ultimately know more than your opponents.

Here's the most important part, though. Make sure that the information you are learning is good information. I feel like my track record affords me the right to speak as a voice of reason on poker and I can confidently tell you that most poker knowledge out there that people pass off as pro knowledge is garbage. Make sure that you're learning from a reputable source and that the information is current and quality. This might mean you have to pay for some of it. Do your research (Step 1).

5. Start Small and Continually Adapt

Take. Your. Time. This is not something that is going to happen overnight. This is not something that is going to happen in a few weeks. It very well could take years for you to be able to reach the skill level necessary even to take a shot at playing professionally for a living. Even if you're good enough, you still might not make it. You might not have access to the right opportunities, or you may have issues getting your mental game or bankroll management in line.


Again, none of this is to deter you from giving it a shot. It's just a warning to take your time.

The learning process is going to be long and challenging and probably frustrating at times.

The Wrap Up

If you've made it this far in the post, you've got hope! Look, I seriously am not trying to deter any of you from giving this a shot. I loved my years playing as a professional and wouldn't trade them for anything. That being said, I wish I would have known how challenging things would be before I jumped in. Would it have deterred me? Probably not, but a heads up would have been pleasant.

If you're serious about doing this, I wish you the best of luck and hope you follow some of the advice that I gave you. Good luck!

Professional Casino Gambler Slots

So, what exactly is a professional gambler?

A professional gambler is a person who lives from gambling and spends most of his time at the casinos. Professional gamblers are actually earning their paychecks by making the right bets when they play at the live casino tables.

In this article, I will go over some general misconceptions about casino gaming as well as go over a few real-world examples, gathered from several friends of mine who are professional Advantage Players. We won't give out real names or when these 'adventures' occurred, but rest assured this is about as truthful as an accounting of what real-world play is like.

The gambler lifestyle has been portrayed by Hollywood, and more so, by commercials for casinos, to be a glamorous one. Men are always dressed sharply and women are in their best gowns and, both seem to be having a wonderful time. They are winning money, eating at 5-star restaurants and drinking the best champagne.

This is all done to entice the average person to come to the casinos and gamble, but more importantly to lose the maximum amount of money they can. The reality of the casino gaming world is very different.

What Makes a Pro

The term 'professional gambler' is sometimes used interchangeably for both people who earn part-time and full-time income through gambling.

But I keep a much tighter definition of a professional gambler.

Real pros not only make a profit through gambling, but enough to pay all of their living expenses. This includes housing, utilities, car payment, insurance, food, clothing and anything else deemed necessary.

A semi-pro is somebody who makes enough to supplement their income but doesn't earn a full-time living through gambling.

Sometimes when players don't have good results they question their skills. The reality is Advantage Gaming is a gloomy business when you're on a losing streak.

But, when you are on the positive side of the spectrum it's like taking candy from a jar labeled 'free candy'. The hard truth is that the mentality of a professional casino player is equal to a manic depressive.

The gambling world doesn't offer an abundance of opportunities to make a living, but there are a few different games where you can earn some nice profits. If you play smart and stick to the plan.

Game On

Let's take a brief look at the most common games that you can make long term profits with and I'll then go into each with more detail:

  • Blackjack
  • Daily fantasy sports (DFS)
  • Poker
  • Sports betting

Blackjack sees you try to win money directly from the house.

Casinos do everything in their power to hinder successful card counters. This includes using continuously shuffling machines, multi-deck shoes, and vigilant security measures.

Anybody who's caught counting cards is often kicked out of the casino and banned. 3 card poker game. This is why it's so important for card counters to blend in with normal players.

DFS and poker both see you compete against your fellow man. The house merely takes a small cut of tournament fees or cash game pots for poker.

Sportsbooks create lines in an effort to get equal betting action on both sides. The sportsbooks make their money by taking 10% juice from the losing group.

Every form of advantage betting has its pros and cons, but the key is that each of these activities offers the chance to make a healthy income.

Counting on It

Casino Gambler Magazine

People have been making a living through card counting since the early 1960s, and despite all the obstacles that casinos have put in players' way, it remains possible to earn a living with card counting today.

You need a sizable bankroll in order to properly spread your bets and survive variance. The recommended minimum you should aim for is $20,000, but it's better to have closer to $40,000.

How much you make depends upon several factors, including the following:

  • Skill level – Successful counters have between a 0.5% and 1.5% edge on casinos.
  • Hands per hour – 50 to 200 depending upon dealer speed & table size.
  • Bet spreading – Difference between your lowest and highest bet.
  • Deck penetration – The further into the shoe you get, the more confidence you can bet with.
  • Counting system – Some systems are more accurate than others.
  • Game rules – You want the best rules possible in order to lower the standard house edge.
  • Tips – $5 per hour for the dealer is standard.

The final step is to figure out how many hours you'll play and convert this into an annual salary.

The key is keeping an accurate count amidst casino distractions and blending in with normal players.


DFS is the newest game that offers skilled gamblers an opportunity to make money.

Daily fantasy sees you pay an entry fee to enter contests and compete against other players. The goal is to create lineups that score the most points and rank the highest in tournaments.

Daily fantasy sports experienced a big boom in 2015, thanks to clever marketing campaigns that make it seem like any sports fan can win.

The truth, though, is that only a small percentage of those who play actually win. A study from 2015 showed that 1.3% of daily fantasy baseball players collect 91% of the winnings.

Saahil Sud, profiled in a WBUR piece, said he made over $3 million in profits in a single year. Former poker-pro Aaron Jones switched over to DFS and won a DraftKings contest worth $5 million in early 2016.

Of course, the average professional DFS player doesn't earn quite this much. To determine a standard DFS salary, let's consider the following factors:

  • Entries per day— Most DFS pros enter several hundred contests every day.
  • Stakes – Typical entry fees range anywhere from $1 up to $1,000.
  • Fees— DFS sites tack on a 10% fee to each buy-in, which is where their profits come from.
  • Skill level— Some pros have a bigger edge than others.

Of course, DFS is filled with variables, which is why it's key to have a large enough bankroll to survive the ups and downs.


Poker has long been one of the most viable options for becoming a professional gambler. The reason why is because you're competing against other opponents instead of the house.

It's tougher to make a living in poker these days because the strategy is more prevalent. Real money online poker gives players a chance to rapidly accelerate their learning curve by seeing more hands per hour.

You can still become a profitable player with enough hard work and experience though. In fact, some pros still make six or seven-figure annual incomes with the game.

However, the vast majority of pros these days earn between $40,000 and $100,000 per year.

Poker is unique in that there are essentially two types of professionals: tournament and cash game pros.

Professional Casino Gambler No Deposit

Let's look at the different considerations for cash vs. Bovada gambling reviews. tournament play:

Cash Games

Professional Casino Gambler Poker

  • Profit measured in big blinds (BB) made per hour.
  • House takes 5% rake from cash game pots for running games.
  • More control over annual salary than tournaments.


  • Profit measured by rate of return (ROI) on buy-ins.
  • House adds 10% fee to buy ins (e.g. $10 + $1 fee).
  • Only the top 10-15% of the field makes money.
  • Tournaments have more variance than cash games.

A cash player must figure out what stakes they must play to make a comfortable living based on BB earned per hour.

A tournament pro must decide what buy-in level they must choose to make a high enough ROI to live comfortably.

One more consideration here is whether you'll dedicate the bulk of your time towards live or online poker.

Online cash games and tourneys offer more volume because you can play multiple tables. Plus hands and tournaments go much faster, giving you an opportunity to boost your hourly wages.

Nevertheless, many players find that their win rate is higher in live games. The most lucrative tournaments are found in land-based casinos, too, such as the World Series of Poker events.

Sports Betting

The good thing about sports betting is that you don't need to have a massive win rate just to book profits.

Sportsbooks only take 10% juice from the losing side. This differs from DFS and poker tournaments where you must pay an extra 10% fee regardless of whether you're a winner or loser.

The juice can be lowered or adjusted based on where the sportsbook is trying to push action, but 10% is generally the amount you'll see taken from the losing side.

Professional sports bettors typically win anywhere from 53% to 55% of the time.

Pro sports bettors must be very keen at handling their bankroll since they're dealing with such small profit margins. They also need to make larger wagers than 'Gary the CPA from Ohio' to increase potential profits.

Professional Casino Gamblers

Some sports bettors have made millions of dollars with this model. But the average bettors are looking at more modest salaries ranging from $50,000 to $150,000 annually.


Being a pro gambler has some obvious benefits, including flexible hours, being your own boss, and the ability to increase your income.

Some gamblers, such as Saahil Sud and Bob Voulgaris, have even gotten rich with their skills. Of course, you may be perfectly happy making mid-5-figures, as long as you get to enjoy the aforementioned benefits, but there are also some downsides to be aware of. These include risk, highs and lows, no sick days, and the potential to lose everything.

The potential rewards can be great in the case of card counting, DFS, poker, and sports betting, but you also have to be disciplined and good at handling risk.

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